Teach a man to fish, instead of feeding him.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Career Objectives for HR

 Career Objectives

You can find few samples of "Career Objectives" for the HR position, you can use the below samples and create one that matches your profile.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Resume objectives : How to write captivating powerful resume objectives

Samples of Resume Objectives

Resume is never complete without an objective, its your primary intention as to why and what career your are focusing at. So take time to customize your objective, it is more or less like an elevator pitch. I will write about what an elevator pitch is in my subsequent blog. 

What should a resume objective include?


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I'm Thameem, I'm a professional trainer and a passionate blogger. We are living in a fast paced life in the era where information is wealth. I believe that most of the issues / challenges that we experience in our lives is due to lack of information, we all have the requisite knowledge and skills to perform any tasks and overcome any challenges, since information is stagnant at one point the resources are under utilized. I request viewers to share the information with people such that even if it benefits one, the mission is accomplished. Sharing is Caring

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