Teach a man to fish, instead of feeding him.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Stipend Trainees for Institute of Mathematical Sciences - apply by 13-11-2019

The Institute of Mathematical Sciences

The following posts are to be filled at The Institute of Mathematical Sciences

  1. Administrative Trainee, - 02 - Rs.15,000/m
  2. Library Trainee, - 03  - Rs.15,000/m
  3. Project Scientific Assistant (Library) ,  - 01 - Rs.46,500/-
  4. Project Technical Assistant (Electrical)  - 01 - Rs. 58,500/-  and 
  5. Project Assistant  (Outreach) - 01 - Rs. 38,400/-

There is a written examination and a personal interview for few of the jobs listed above, please read through the pdf document for more clarity
The Hindu 05/11/2019

Click the image above to download the pdf file of the vacancy order.

How to apply  for Administrative  Trainee:

The Candidates  meeting the above criteria may submit their duly signed bio-data by ordinary post on plain paper pasting  passport  size  photo  along  with  self  attested  copies  of  relevant  certificates  for proof  of  date of birth, educational  & computer qualifications,   experience  if any etc, directly to the following  address superscribing  the envelope  as

"Application    for  Administrative    Trainee"   (as applicable)  to reach  on or before   November   13.
2019  (Friday):    
The  Registrar,    
The  Institute   of  Mathematical     Sciences,  
4th    Cross   Road, CIT  Campus, Taramani, Chennai  - 600 113. 

How to apply for Library Trainee:

Interested  candidates  to undergo  training  in Library  are requested  to send their  bio-data  only through E-mail  to unique   e-mail  id "libraty@imsc.res.in"  mentioning   the position  details  in the subject   of the   e-mail   as  ..Application for Library Trainee..of Advt.No: 18-RlIMSc/2019 dated 04/11/2019.  Indicating  subject  in the e-mail  as explained  above is very important.

Mails  sent  on or after  1700 hrs  on November   13, 2019 (Wednesday)    will not  be considered under any circumstances.

Only  shortlisted   candidates   whose  names  are  displayed   by us  on the  Opportunities   page  of IMSc website  by 1730 hrs on 15.11.2019  only need to report for Written  Test 1 Interview  on 22.11.2019.

The   candidates  who  have  applied  for Library  Trainee  against  this  advertisement   and whose  names are shortlisted  should  bring one copy of valid proof of ID   card with original  (like AADHAR / Driving License / Passport / Voter ID)  when they report  for written  test. They  should  bring one copy of e-mail sent  by them  with  photo  pasted  on it with  clear  header  showing  time  and  date of e-mail  & copy  of bio-data   already  sent  by them  at the time  of reporting  for Written  Test/Interview.     The candidates without  e-mail  (or) carrying  the copies  of e-rnails  without  header  (or) copy  of e-mail  sent after  the last date will not be allowed  to appear  for Written  Test or Interview  under any circumstances.

Except  displaying  the shortlisted  candidates  on our website, no separate  call letter /confirmation / E- mail requesting  the candidates  to attend  for Written Test (or) Interview  will be sent by this Institute.

II)Project   Positions:

Applications  are also invited for filling up the following  Project positions  under the new Scientific / Academic Apex   Projects   of  the  Institute   on  consolidated   salary  from  the  eligible   candidates   who  fulfill   requisite qualificationsl   specifications   mentioned  therein.  The  positions  indicated  under  the  projects  concerned,   . are proposed to be filled purely on contract basis only initially for a period of one year from the date of appointment but extendable  subject  to performance  & subject to approval  of the competent  authority  for one more year not beyond and there is no scope of continuation / regularization / absorption under any circumstances.

Note (a) : Required   Educational   Qualifications  for Project  Technical  Assistant  (Electrical)  Level-   I (Table -IT, serial 2]:

Completed B.EIB.Tech in Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics Engineering with minimum 60% marks from a reputed College I
Institution approved by Government  and minimum of 4 years post qualification experience  required for the position
Candidates should have valid Electrical supervisor competency certificate [C-License]  issued by CEIG, Govt.
Must be proficient in handling entire Electrical, Electronics and Air conditioning  maintenance works  like operation & Day-to- day maintenance  of  I 1KV/433  Volts electrical substation, more than  1.25 MY A transformers, 500 KVA DG sets, Automatic power factor panels,  450 KV A UPS & network systems controlled by  STS switches, PRI linked tele communication system, centralized air conditioning Chilling plants, AHU units, Fire & Security system of smoke detectors, FACP panels including FM
200 automatic fife suppression system with BMS integration, design and erection of grid connected solar plants.

Exposure in Audio, & Video system for various conference and seminars and material handling and monitoring.

Specific  requirement   of the candidate:    Good experience in erection, testing & commissioning  of above said all Electrical & Electronics equipments   and completion of the  works as per IE rules for various internal, external electrifications and various conduits embedments to the buildings. Preparation of the running & fmal bills through a computerized measurement book as per the CPWD works manual.

Good experience in tendering and preparing the estimates and market rate analysis. Coordination with mEB, CEIG to get safety certificate and to complete  IE rule 63 electrical works.
Desirable:   Working knowledge of basic computer softwares ofLINUX,  AUTOCAD  & LIBRE OFFICE.

Note (b) : Required   Educational   Oualifications  for Project  Assistant  (Outreach)   : Minimum:  Masters  in Mathematics   or the Sciences  or Bachelors  in Technology:
Essential  experience:   Good  scientific  background
Desirable  experience:   Outreach!   educational   activity

Specific   requirements:      The selected  candidates  will provide  support  to the resource  generation
efforts  of IMSc  in education  and outreach.  They will help  in organizing  the outreach  events.  They will also be involved in the compilation   and organization   of educational  material  generated  by IMSc  outreach  workshops
and events,  in the form of publications   and online resources,   in a manner  that is accessible  to teachers  and students.

Essential  skills  for this position  are fluency  in English  (however,  fluency  in Tamil  is desirable),  good writing  and communication   skills, and strong  technical  ability  to creatively   use online  platforms  for educational   purposes.  A prior background   in scientific  outreach  is desirable.

Note  (c)  :

~     Interested     candidates      for   the   above    Project     pOSItIOns  are   requested     to   send   their    bio-data     only through                 E-mail    to  unique     e-mail    id  as  mentioned     at  Col   (8)  against    each   Project    position    in  the above   table,   mentioning     the  position    details    in  the   subject     of  the  e-mail    as  "Application        for   the Project               Position     at  SI.No.   (      )                                                (Name    of  the  Project     Position     in  Capital Letters)                   of   Advt.   No:   18-R/lMSc/2019       dated    04/11/2019.
~     Mails   sent   on  or  after    1700  hrs  on  November      13, 2019   (Wednesday)       will not  be  considered
under   any  circumstances.

~     Indicating    subject   in the  e-mail   as explained    above   is very   important.
~     Depending     on  the  number    of  candidates     respond    to  each   Project    position,    the  Institute    will   decide whether    to  conduct    a brief  objective    type  written   test  of about   one  and  half  hours   [1000 to  1130 hrs] or to  go  with  direct   interview.
~     Only    those    candidates      who    are   meeting     the   minimum     educational      qualifications        experience
mentioned     in the  advertisement      will  be  eligible    to  appear   for  Written   test  1 interview.    Hence   names of    shortlisted      candidates      will    be   displayed      by   us   after    verifying      their    candidature      on      the "Opportunities         page"   of  the  Institute's     website    [www.imsc.res.in]       on  the  dates   indicated    under   Col (10)  in  the  above    table.     Therefore,     only   short   listed   candidates     need   to  report   for  Written    Test   /Interview    on the  date  as explained    under   Col  (11) in the  above   table.
~     The     candidates     who   have   applied    for  the   Project    positions    against    this   advertisement      and   whose names    are   shortlisted     for  written    test!  interview     and   displayed     by  us  on  the   opportunities      page   of IMSc   website    will  only  be  allowed   to  appear   for  Written   Test  1 Interview    and  they   should   bring   one copy   of  valid   proof   of  ID  card  with   original    (like   AADHAR /Driving       License/    Passport     Voter ID). They    should    bring   one   copy   of  e-mail    sent   by  them   with   photo    pasted    on   it  with   clear   header showing    time  and  date  of e-mail   & copy   of  bio-data    already   sent  by  them   at the  time  of  reporting    for Written      Test / Interview.        The   candidates     without    e-mail   (or)   carrying    the  copies   of  e-mails    without header   (or)  copy   of  e-mail   sent  after   the  last  date  will  not  be  allowed    to  appear   for  Written   Test   or Interview                           under   any  circumstances.
~     Except   displaying    the  shortlisted    candidates     on  our  website,    no  separate    call  letter  / confirmation     / E- mail  requesting    the  candidates    to attend   for  Written   Test  (or)  Interview    will  be  sent  by  this  Institute.

Note   (d)   :

Venue of Written  test / Interview as per dates to be announced  as explained in the above table

To report  for Written  Test                                 Interview  on the same day of written  test
at 0900  hrs at                   (if written  test is not prescribed  interview will be held on the same day)

Ramanujan Auditorium              Venue for Interview will be announced at the time of written test (or) at
Ramanujan Auditorium while we take attendance of the candidates [interview will be only for those who clear the Written Test, if conducted]


1.   The   candidates    submitting    e-mails   for  the  Project   positions    are  requested    to  note  the  day  and  date  of written  test  followed   by interview   without   fail.
2.     The  candidates   should  on their  own  attend  for written  test followed   by interview.
3.     All those  candidates   who  have  been  short  listed  for the  Project  positions   are  requested   to  report   sharp   at

0900  hrs  on  the  dates  of written   test  /   interview   at  Ramanujan    Auditorium,    IMSc  and  sign  the attendance    statement   without   fail.    The  candidates  also  should  bring  along  with  them  all  original certificates  for the  purpose  of verification  and  one  set of copies  of all certificates  in support  of age, qualification,  experience proof etc.,
4.     The list of successful candidates  of the written test wherever conducted  will be displayed on the notice board on the same day for which venue location will be announced at the time of written test. Only those candidates   who  clear  the  written  test  are  required  to  appear  for  Interview  time  for  which  will  be announced  at the written test venue.  Wherever only interview is prescribed the candidates will be guided accordingly  at Ramanujan Auditorium while signing the attendance statement.
5.    Hard copies  of applications/  resume  received  by handl post/ courier  will not be considered  under  any
6.     E-mails   received   by  us  without   attaching   bio-data   I   resume   will  not   be  considered   under   any circumstances.
7.    Application   should  be sent  Only through  email  & no hard copies of applications  are considered

General  Conditions  for those who apply  for Admn.  Trainees,   Library   Trainees  & Project positions:

I.     The  prescribed  qualifications   are  rmrumurn  and  mere  possession  of  the  same  does  not  entitle  the candidate  to  be  considered  for  the  advertised  traineeship  (or)  Project  position  for  shortlisting.  The decision of the Director of this Institute in all matters will be final and no enquiry or correspondence  will be entertained in this matter.
2.     Admission  (or) Appointment  against this advertisement  selection process will be purely as per terms and conditions  mentioned  therein  and will terminate  automatically  without  any  notice or compensation  on termination.
3.    The admitted (or) appointed candidate shall have no claim of appointment I absorption in IMSc, Chennai.
No accommodation  will be provided  to the Selected Admn  trainees,  Library  trainees  and Project staff during their association with IMSc.
4.     Only outstation  candidates belonging to SCI ST appearing  for the written test and selected for interview only will be reimbursed to and fro second class railway fare/ bus fare or actual fare incurred which ever is less by the shortest route from the station of residence / work place to Chennai  & back on production of tickets.
5.    Selected candidates will have to join for training (or) Project positions immediately on receipt of offer of
admission /appointment.
6.    No interim enquiries / correspondence I communications  of any sort will be entertained on the matter.
7.    Canvassing  in  any  form  and  / or  bringing  any  influence,  political  or  otherwise  will be  treated  as  a disqualification  for the traineeship (or) Project positions applied for.
8.    Please  visit  "Opportunities   Page"  of  our  website  www.imsc.res.in   for  full  details  of  advertisement, shortlisted list of candidates to be displayed as per the dates explained above along with time and date of written  test  for  each traineeship  (or) Project  position  and  visit  "Getting  here"  page to know  location information of our Institute.

Please read through the requirement and apply, All the best.


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