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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

How to Answer The 64 Toughest Interview Questions

Plan your trip and enjoy the journey

If we know what is ahead to come then we can be well prepared to face it. Courage and knowledge, the two qualities most needed to succeed in any human challenge, especially a job search. This information will help you with the required knowledge and thereby give you the required courage to face it when you need to, you'll be prepared for it.

General Guidelines in Answering Interview Questions 

No matter how experienced one would be, he will still feel a slight sense of nervous during interviews. Relax, its a global phenomenon, let the body do its task, its normal to feel nervous, let the Adrenaline secrete to give a good push.  If you simply allow yourself to feel nervous, you'll do much better. Remember  it's also a difficult task for the interviewer as well.

In general,
  • Be upbeat and positive. Never be negative. Create positive vibes, smile at everyone whom you meet on the day of the interview.
  • Rehearse your answers frequently, and they will come to you naturally in interviews and time them. (Practise makes a man perfect)
  • Never talk for more than 2 minutes straight. (answer to the point and a short example if it can add value to it)
  • Don't try to memorize answers word for word. (Show that you are not Chitti the robot and behave a natural human)
  • Use the answers shown here as a guide only, and don't be afraid to include your own thoughts and words. (let our thoughts and emotions flow)
  • To help you remember key concepts, jot down and review a few key words for each answer. (prompts helps anyone anytime)

The single most important strategy in interviewing, as in all phases of your job search, is what we call: "The Greatest Executive Job Finding Secret." And that is...

Find out what people want, than show them how you can help them get it.

Find out what an employer wants most in his or her ideal candidate, then show how you meet those qualifications.

In other words, you must match your abilities, with the needs of the employer. You must sell what the buyer is buying. To do that, before you know what to emphasize in your answers, you must find out what the buyer is buying...
what he is looking for. And the best way to do that is to ask a few questions yourself. You will see how to bring this off skillfully as you read the first two questions of this article but regardless of how you accomplish it, you must remember this strategy above all: before blurting out your qualifications, you must get some idea of what the employer wants most.

Once you know what he wants, you can then present your qualifications as the perfect “key” that fits the “lock” of that position.

Other important interview strategies:

  • Turn weaknesses into strengths (You'll see how to do this in another article.) 
  • Think before you answer. A pause to collect your thoughts is a hallmark of a thoughtful person. 

As a daily exercise, practice being more optimistic. For example, follow the law of attraction; try putting a positive spin on events and situations you would normally regard as negative. This is not meant to turn you into a Pollyanna or rather become overconfident, but to sharpen your selling skills. The best salespeople, as well as the best liked interview candidates, come off as being naturally optimistic, "can do" people. You will dramatically raise your level of attractiveness by daily practicing to be more optimistic.

Be honest...never lie.

Keep an interview diary. Right after each interview list out the questions and make a note on what you did right, what could have gone better, and what steps you should take next with this contact. Then take those steps.

Don't be like the 95% of humanity who say they will follow up on something, but never do.

About the 64 questions... 

You might feel that the answers to the following discussed here are “canned”, and that they will seldom match up with the exact way you are asked the questions in actual interviews.

The questions and answers are designed to be as specific and realistic as possible however it might vary based on the interviewer and no preparation can anticipate thousands of possible variations on these questions.

What's more important is that you thoroughly familiarize yourself with the main strategies behind each answer and it will be invaluable to you if you commit to memorize a few keywords that let you instantly recall your mind for the best answer to the various questions. If you do this, and follow the principles of successful interviewing presented here, you're going to do very well.

Please leave a comment if this helped you or write if you need anymore support on any particular questions that you felt as bouncers...

Follow the blog for the sequel of this topic, everyday a question will be discussed.

Good luck...and good job-hunting!



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