Teach a man to fish, instead of feeding him.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha: Bridging Linguistic Divides Through Hindi Promotion


The Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha (DBHPS) has been a cornerstone in promoting the Hindi language across South India since its establishment in 1918 by Mahatma Gandhi. Recognizing the need for a unifying national language, Gandhi initiated this movement to bridge linguistic divides and foster national integration. He believed that involving local populations in the south was essential for the effective propagation of Hindi. Notably, Gandhi himself served as the organization's president until his passing.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Career counseling for the future 25th January 2020 time 10am to 1pm

Chairman presentation on 25th January 2020 between 10am to 1300noon
Details of venue is mentioned below and hall will be intimated once fixed
Pl.confirm your availability for the presentation with your known circle.

*Agenda of the seminar*
1) Introduction to Artificial            Intelligence.
2) How AI is going to Effect the population and the world.
3) Reformations required in our educational system.
4) Introduction to a sustainable business model during the crisis.
5) Survival during the crisis.
Seminar Conducted by,
*Dr.Sahid Cholayil*
Profile details :- https://en.everybodywiki.com/Sahid_Cholayil#/media/File%3ADr_Sahid_Cholayil_with_Educator_Steven_Rudolph_at_3G_R%26D_Center_in_Calicut.jpg

IIT Madras Research Park
Kanagam Road, 32, Kanagam, Tharamani, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600113, India
Organiser: Mr.HARIF-8089345001


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