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Thursday, August 6, 2020

Science Olympiad Foundation - develop a learning environment - create future scholars systematically.

Who or What is SOF - Science Olympiad?

SOF Scholarship of Excellence In English (S.E.E) 2018-19 [Win INR ...
Science Olympiad Foundation

Science Olympiad Foundation is an educational organization that conducts competitive exams in the field of Science, English, Math, Computer Science, Commerce and General Knowledge.

Due to fact that SOF covers a wide spectrum of subjects and that is very critical for students and society as a whole, its role has been witnessed and many government and non-government entities has volunteered and partnered the inititatives of SOF like, The Ministry of Corporate Affairs, through The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, and many highly reputed organizations like The British Council, Star Sports, Techfest IIT Bombay-Innovative challenge, IIT Kharagpur, National University of Singapore & TCS, etc.

SOF Scholarship Olympiads 2018| Engineering

With the patronage of top entities, SOF has been setup and working on its mission based on the 7 guiding principles:
  1. Identify and nurture future scientists, technologists, IT and other professional talent at school level.
  2. Encourage students' participation in national/international competitions/ programs/events
  3. Instill a feeling of belonging to national and global students fraternity.
  4. Infuse a healthy competitive spirit through reward based Olympiads/competitive exams.
  5. Bring about a transformation in the classroom approach to subjects to make them more interactive, practical & innovative.
  6. Disseminate knowledge and information on the latest developments in science and technology and other subjects.
  7. Project SOF as a Centre of Excellence that could cater to different schooling institutions in the areas of methodical research, new educational tools, special publications and expert advice.

Schools interested to participate can send email to info@sofworld.org for registering or by calling 0124-4951200

Students interested to participate and would require coaching or study materials can send email to trainerthameem@gmail.com or contact +91-9884045369.


All activities of the Foundation invariably aim at making learning an interesting and interactive process in which the learner is actually able to put his / her skills, memory, talent and knowledge to test.
For this, the Foundation conducts workshops, seminars and science/IT competitions for students of different classes and age groups. 
The foundation conducts the following Olympiads: 
SOF 2019-20 Award | NSO, NCO, IMO, IEO, IGKO Award
  • SOF National Cyber Olympiad 
  • SOF National Science Olympiad
  • SOF International Mathematics Olympiad
  • SOF International English Olympiad 
  • SOF International Commerce Olympiad 
  • SOF International General Knowledge Olympiad

Benefits of SOF

Science Olympiad has wonderful outcomes for students who participate, I have categorised them into 2 major divisions:

Academic Benefits

1. Competitiveness - Students focus more on learning when the environment is competitive, this SOF provides a platform where the student gets an opportunity to compete with his own classmates and with students across the world whom he has never met in his lifetime, he gets to know his level of competence on a particular subject based on the ranking post assessment. The student is anytime ready to appear for any kind of examination with little preparation on the type of syllabus and pattern of questions. (IIT, IIM, NEET, IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, GATE, UPSC, RRB, BSRB and any other competitive examinations)

2. Continual Learning - He gains tremendous knowledge on the subjects and there is always scope of enhancement. The most important aspect of this assessment is the syllabus is vast and extensive by including the previous years syllabus and adding it further for subsequent years. For eg. a student appearing for class 4 Science olympiad will have the syllabus for his level in addition to the syllabus from class 1 to 3, which ensures that going furhter higher in studies or levels on should in no way forget the basics or the sequence of studies.

3. Application of learning - One of the main component of the syllabus which I liked the most is Higher order thinking Questions, which helps in a wholistic learning mode and increases the thinkning capacity of the learner and enhances the critical thinking process which results in learning excellence.

Monetary Benefits:

Though the above is sufficient in terms of non-tangible benefits, SOF values the hard work of students and it further motivates them by providing cash prizes and other accolades:

National Cyber Olympiad | Science Olympiad Foundation

Awards (For participants and participating Schools)

The awards are categorized into:

  1. International
  2. Zonal
  3. School 
The awards are based on achievements based on the olympiad, each student is eligible for one award for an exam.

For example, the school topper will be eligible to participate in Zonal competition and Zonal topper will be compete internationally, if the School topper wins both Zonal and International, he'll be able to retain only the International award and his immediate successor will be entitled to get the award for the respective category Zone or School.

Based on the Category the award value is as below:

Please read below for details of *&# mentioned in the following table:

1stRs.50,000/- Each + Gold Medal*#+ Certificate of Outstanding Performance10
2ndRs.25,000/- Each + Silver Medal*#+ Certificate of Outstanding Performance10
3rdRs.10,000/- Each + Bronze Medal*#+ Certificate of Outstanding Performance10

*Medal of Distinction + Certificate of Distinction will be awarded for 1st level Ranks.
**Certificate of Zonal Excellence will be awarded for final Ranks.

# All Medals are Gold / Silver / Bronze color plated as applicable

1stRs.5,000/- Each + Gold Medal* + Certificate of Zonal Excellence.260
2ndRs.2,500/- Each + Silver Medal* + Certificate of Zonal Excellence.260
3rdRs.1,000/- Each + Bronze Medal* + Certificate of Zonal Excellence.260
4th to 10thGifts Worth Rs.1000/- Each + *Medal of Distinction + *Certificate of Distinction + **Certificate of Zonal Excellence1820
11th to 25th**Certificate of Zonal Excellence + *Medal of Distinction + *Certificate of Distinction3900
Rank 26+Participation CertificateAll

*Medal of Distinction + Certificate of Distinction will be awarded for 1st level Ranks.
**Certificate of Zonal Excellence will be awarded for final Ranks.

# All Medals are Gold / Silver / Bronze color plated as applicable

In case two or more students achieve the same rank, cash award in the applicable category will be distributed as under:

International Winners - 

  • For up to 10 students getting same rank, award amount will be distributed equally. In addition, each winner will be awarded a medal (in the applicable category) and a Certificate.
  • In case 11 & more students get same rank, in lieu of cash award, each winner will be awarded gifts worth Rs.1,000/- each + a medal ( in the applicable category) and a Certificate. 

Zonal Winners -  

  • For up to 5 students getting same rank, award amount will be distributed equally. In addition, each winner will be awarded a medal (in the applicable category) and a Certificate.
  • In case 6 & more students get same rank, in lieu of cash award, each winner will be awarded gifts worth Rs.1,000/- each + a medal (in the applicable category) and a Certificate.


1. Medals to School/Class Toppers.

  • School “Gold Medal of Excellence “ will be awarded as under:
  • For 5 to 9 registrations/class – Gold Medal of Excellence to top rank holder in class
  • For 10 to 25 registrations/class – Gold Medal of Excellence to top 3 rank holders
  • For registrations exceeding 25/class – Gold Medal of Excellence to top 10% rank holders in class

2. Student Performance Report (SPR) for each participating student.

  • Every student who appears in SOF NCO is provided with a Student Performance Report (SPR). An SPR is a detailed analysis of how the student attempted the 1st level Olympiad exam.
  • The objective of SPR is to share with the student and her / his parents, analysis of student’s answers. This is expected to enable the student understand her/his strengths and areas requiring improvement in absolute terms and also on a competitive scale consisting of lacs of students of her/his class who appeared for the Olympiad.

Student Performance Report (SPR) consists of six sections:

Section AProvides the student’s marks and rank achieved in School / City / Zone / Region at international level.
Section BProvides a past Year wise analysis of the student.
Section CProvides correct answers to questions asked in the Olympiad exam, the answers given by the student and performance comparison of the student’s answers vs other students in the Zone and at the international level.
Section DProvides a percentage score analysis of the student with a comparison at Class, City, Zone, region level.
Section EProvides a comparison of average marks analysis at the School, City, Zone, region and international level.
Section FProvides a Topic wise performance analysis of the student.

3. Participation Certification to each student.

4. Medal of distinction: 

Top 25 rank holders from each class & each Olympiad exam will be awarded Medals of Distinction. This will be applicable for winners from 26 Zones for performance in the 1st level Olympiads/ single level Olympiads.

AWARDS - School

To motivate and increase the participation and dedication of schools towards this movement, SOF awards the best performing schools, Principal and the contributing teacher In Charge.

Best International Principal*Rs.25,000/- Each + Citation + Trophy26
Best International TeacherRs.10,000/- Each + Citation + Trophy10

Best Zonal Principal*Rs.10000/- Each + Citation + Trophy130
Best Zonal TeacherRs.5,000/- Each+ Citation + Trophy78

Best District Principal*Rs.2,500/- Each + Citation + Trophy500
Best District TeacherRs.1,000/- Each + Citation + Trophy500

*Awards to Principals are based on cumulative performance of schools in all exams, whereas awards to teachers are based on performance of school in SOF NCO.

  • Appreciation Mementos/ Gifts to school Principals & Teacher In-Charge
  • School Performance Report (SPR) for each participating School
School Performance Report (SPR) consists of six parts
Part AProvide an analysis of Top performers of School.
Part BProvides a List of Medal Winners of the school.
Part CProvides International Top-3 & Zonal Top-25 School Medal Winners.
Part DProvides a list of Qualifiers for Level II exam.
Part EProvides a comparison of Class-wise performance
Part FProvides an analysis of Class-wise Students Marks.

Schools interested to participate can send email to info@sofworld.org for registering or by calling 0124-4951200

Students interested to participate and would require coaching or study materials can send email to trainerthameem@gmail.com or contact +91-9884045369.



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