Teach a man to fish, instead of feeding him.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Hit the target job - 3 ways to avoid ATS and Recruiters

3 ways to avoid ATS and Recruiters: 1. Apply via the company website. 2. Search company name/people on LinkedIn to find direct contacts. 3. Ask connections at the company in question if they can refer you to a hiring manager. Many, but not all, recruiters copy/paste job descriptions into there own job postings directly from the hiring company website. Copy/paste into Google and chances are you will find the company offering the position. Even if your CV/Resume is 100% ATS compliant, it is always better to try to get it seen by a human being. When sending CV/Resume via email ensure that it is accompanied by a Cover Letter/Email (refer to my post of yesterday). Nobody will respond to an unexplained CV. If you are complaining about ATS and lack of response/feedback from recruiters.... Stop whining and take control! The amazing experience, skills and qualifications you have are YOURS! So it’s YOUR responsibility to get them appreciated! Any other suggestions, please?

Courtesy: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6559034997943128064



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