Teach a man to fish, instead of feeding him.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The 1,2,3, necessities to finding a JOB

The 1,2,3, necessities to finding a JOB: 1. Perfectly ordered, formatted, ATS-compliant CV/Resume. 2. LinkedIn Profile, fully completed, 1300 character narrative summary, with a professional headshot photo. 3. Thorough interview prep at least 48 hours prior to any given interview. Let me help you with this….. For #1 there is a Typeform doc attached to my profile, with a list of what ATS will not accept and an example of a 100% ATS compliant CV/Resume. For #2 feel free to use my LinkedIn Profile as a guideline. For #3 please go to my Profile >Activity>Posts to find a multitude of posts I have written about interviews. If any part of 1-3 is missing, you may struggle to find a job. Discipline, method, routine, and perseverance are essential in the job search process. You have all the skills and qualifications necessary to find a job! Recruiters/Hiring Managers: you have no perfect job or organization to offer, so let’s get over the myth of the perfect candidate please! Anything to add, please?



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I'm Thameem, I'm a professional trainer and a passionate blogger. We are living in a fast paced life in the era where information is wealth. I believe that most of the issues / challenges that we experience in our lives is due to lack of information, we all have the requisite knowledge and skills to perform any tasks and overcome any challenges, since information is stagnant at one point the resources are under utilized. I request viewers to share the information with people such that even if it benefits one, the mission is accomplished. Sharing is Caring

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