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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Prelims Current Affairs Questions 15th September 2020

Prelims Question Series

Prelims Current Affairs Questions 15th September 2020

Q1.Recently the Siddi community gets its first lawmaker in Karnataka.

With reference to it consider the following statements about Siddi community

1.  They are included as the Scheduled Tribes in Karnataka.

2.  They are an ethnic group inhabiting India and Pakistan.

3.  They are primarily Hindus

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

a.  1 and 3 only b.  2 only c.  1 2 and 3  d.  1 and 2 only

Q2.Natesa, a rare sandstone idol from the 9th century (Pratihara Style )has been retrieved recently after 22 years

With reference to it consider the following statements about Pratihara Style

1.  It is a famous temple architecture belonging to the Gurjara- Pratihara dynasty of Rajasthan.

2.  The greatest development of their style of building is at Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

a.  1 only b.  2 only c.  Both 1 and 2 d.  Neither 1 nor 2

Q3.Consider the following statements about Bru Tribes

1.  They are recognized as a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG) in Tripura

2.  They are spread across the north eastern states of Tripura, Assam, Manipur, and Mizoram

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

a.  1 only b.  2 only c.  Both 1 and 2 d.  Neither 1 nor 2

Q4.Consider the following statements about the Naval Innovation and

Indigenisation Organisation (NIIO)

1.  It has been launched buy the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology

2.  The objective of NIIO is to boost self-reliance in the service and manufacturing sector.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

a.  1 only  b.  2 only c.  Both 1 and 2 d.  Neither 1 nor 2

Q5.Two villages of which of the following states were designated as ‘Tsunami Ready’ for their preparedness by. UNESCO?

a.  Andhra Pradesh b.  Odisha c.  Karnataka d.  West Bengal

Answers & Explanations

Q1: Correct Option – d


The Siddi also known as Sidi, Siddhi, Sheedi or Habshi, are an ethnic group inhabiting India and Pakistan.

      They are sometimes referred  to as Afro-Indians. They are descendants of

Bantu people of the East African region.

They are primarily Muslims, although some are Hindus and others belong to the Catholic Church.

Q2: Correct Option – c


It is a famous temple architecture belonging to the Gurjara- Pratihara dynasty of Rajasthan.

The architecture is known for their sculptures, carved panels and open pavilion style temples belonging to Nagara Style of temple architecture.

They used most common sandstones for idols that have various shades of red, caused by iron oxide (rust).

The greatest development of their style of building is at Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Q3: Correct Option – c


      They are also known as Reang.

They are spread across the north eastern states of Tripura, Assam, Manipur, and Mizoram.

      They are one of the 21 scheduled tribes of Tripura.

      In Tripura, they are recognized as a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG).

They speak the Reang dialect of Bru language which is of Tibeto- Burmese origin and is locally referred to as Kau Bru.

A 1997 intercommunity ethnic violence forced thousands of people from the Bru tribe to leave their homes in Mizoram.

The murder of a Mizo forest guard allegedly by Bru militants led to a violent backlash against the community, forcing several thousand people to flee to neighbouring Tripura.

Q4: Correct Option – d


The Union Minister of Defence, launched the Naval Innovation and Indigenisation Organisation (NIIO) to boost self-reliance in the defence manufacturing sector.

It will provide dedicated structures for the end-users to interact with academia and industry towards fostering innovation and indigenisation for self-reliance in defence.

Q5: Correct Option – b


Odisha has become the first State in the country and India, the first country, to implement the programme in the Indian Ocean region.

The National Board, after verification of the implementation of the indicators at these villages as per guidelines, decided to recognize them nationally and recommended to UNESCO-IOC.

Based on the recommendations, UNESCO-IOC approved recommendation of the two villages.

Tsunami ready is a community performance-based programme initiated by UNESCO- Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC).

It aims to promote preparedness through active collaboration of public, community leaders, national and local emergency management agencies.


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