Teach a man to fish, instead of feeding him.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

UPSC Prelims Essay 27-09-2020

India's biggest challenge is to create jobs for its youth and a way has to be found to address this task.

Teach a man to fish, rather than feeding him. Going by the above proverb it is evident that upskilling an individual to generate a vocation is a desired and welcome output instead of providing him rationed supplies of food products.

India has since its inception of its doctrine principle has focused on providing jobs to the youth population. Through the five year plan it has repeatedly focused on development of the youth labour force and to increase the local domestic production and manufacturing sector and identifying opportunities for the manufactured goods in the international market and also seeking opportunities for the labour force through bilateral ties with developed and developing nations. Through these strategic and systematic approaches Indian youth were able to get employed locally and those with exceptional and highly demand skills were employed by Multinational companies at international locations which provided a good share of Foreign exchange. 

Considering the global population index based on the age statistics, India is the most youngest nation across all global countries, that means the youth population in the age group of 20-40 will be the majority in Indian subcontinent when compared with all the population index across all other countries in the world. this means that we can provide huge number of skilled work force to all the countries and there by have a considerable market share of the entire GDP across the world and this will yield us a remarkable share of foreign exchange and increase the economic status of India in the global job market.

In order to achieve this we must adopt a systematic strategy to identify the emerging technologies and the necessary competencies to match the skill gap with the youth and upskill them to create a demand for the skilled youth work force in the global market.

There should  be more skill development centers established to upskill the competencies of youth across every Taluk, District, Zone, State and Country. More relaxations in the setup and establishment of Industries and sub processing units that will help in creating more jobs locally and help in providing more training opportunities and increase the skills and placement opportunities for deserving youths.

If these strategies are implemented it would be a dream come true for Indian youth population and they'll etch the name of Indian skilled and craftsmanship at every corner of the world and further creating limitless opportunities for the next generation by creating a home like environment far away from home by giving life to the dream of an ancient Indian poet Kaniyan Pookundranaar who coined the term of global citizenship way back in 10th century through his renowned poem that has the lyrics (translated in English) All the world is my country and every citizen is my fellow country men. 

By this we can stabilize the economy of our country and also control; and contribute the growth of Internatioanl economy.

Jai Hind.


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