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Monday, January 25, 2021

IAS mock Interview questions - ILMI IAS Academy Personal Interview

 IAS mock Interview questions

Tell me about yourself?

Why do you want to become an IAS?

2 schemes that help women empowerment?

How do you plan to develop your community?

What are the 3 priorities you would like to initiate after you become IAS?

Is constitution a law?

Tell me some tourist destinations in your place / home town?

What is schdule to constution?

What is preamble? What is the date mentioned in the preamble?

geography-Western ghats commision?

Define your goal?

How do think civil service is the best route to serve the society?

Tell me one instance where you have been kind hearted?

Famous personality related to the candidate's name?

Current GDP of Agriculture?

What will you do to improve the agriculture?

Specific use of NPK?

Rhizobimu how it helps?

2 vaccines were accepted by government, what are they and what issues were surronding them?

Why is there a great opposition from the public whenever there is any projects related to Methane or petrocarbon?

What is the major problem that your state (Tamilnadu) is facing now? List down the order of severity.

Do you think the politicians are bad? (question based on the candidates response?

how would you help the vulnerable community where you have been posted?

2 situation one takes bribe and works the other doesn't work and doesnt take bribe also.

There are some honest officers who dont take bribe but they are not suppored by the government do you think they are corrupt by not doing their job?

Does the article refers to Civil service officer? do we have an article for All india services?

What value additions would you bring to your community when you become an IAS?

List 2 reasons which caused pollution in Delhi and why is it so?

Why do you want to leave your (graduation based) career?

How will the society be benefitted if you achieve your dreams?

For a female candidate - Being a women what special spacial will you bring when you become an IAS?

Difference between women liberation and women empowerment?

Women development and women emancipation?

Nursing and creamian war?

What made you select your mains subject?

What do think is the reasons for recent deulge? dont blame the government.

How can you review the economy urgently?

Which 2 principles of Karl Marx you like?

Which is the recent book you read?

Which area would you focus upon becoming IAS?

Tell me some constitutional safeguard that exisits for the minorites?

What do you know about lookist and actist policy?

Migration issues with European countries?

Issues with gulf countries?

Do you like sports? who is the captain of Indian women's cricket team?

Football question based on self introduction- Which Eurpoean league do you follow?

What are the positives of video games (pubg)?

What opttional subject have you chosen or think of?

Why is UPSC not specific on optional based on graduation?

Question related to optional (Is UPSC doing injustice to candidates who are selecting UPSC optional subject as their major graduation subject?)

Based on self intro What kind of books do you read?

Difference to NE and SE capitals?

What is demand of the current protest by farmers in Delhi?

Do you think blocking traffic is correct during protest?

2 points for the betterment for Kashmiris?

Tell 1 Historian you like?

Which Historical person you are attracted?

Why do you want to become IRS?

Why are there so many software companies in Bangalore?

Tell me about your state before introducing yourself?

Mechanical engg-Speed governor?

You can serve the people by joining an NGO why do you want to become IAS to serve the people?

Tell me about the speciality about your district?

Tell me one freedom fighter from your district?

Fazil - Tell me about Abul Fazal?

Aini Akbari?

Which subject do you like in UPSC?

Tamilnadu is good in tourism, how will you develop the environment of Tamilnadu to promote tourism?

India banned too many chinese applications, why was that done and what was the impact?

Tell me about Jahangir the mughal emporer (based on candidate's name?

What is the original name of Jahangir?

Why Gujarat is so famous for wind energy? (Based on candidate's interest)

What are the practical difficulties that you experienced during installation?

What is the difference between sports and game? (Chess)

Is windmill a threat to fauna (birds)?



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