Teach a man to fish, instead of feeding him.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Data Analytics using Microsoft Tools - Free Courses

 Become a Microsoft Certified Data Analyst🧑‍🎓

1. Get started with Microsoft data analytics

2. Prepare data for analysis with Power BI

3. Model data with Power BI

4. Build Power BI visuals and reports

5. Microsoft Certification

All the above Courses are free but certification is paid.

You need to take a certification exam.


Wednesday, November 2, 2022

SWOT Analysis - Identify yourself your core competencies and obstacles

SWOT Analysis - Know yourself, your skills, core competencies and factors that can support you and your areas of improvement to succeed.


Sunday, July 31, 2022

Secret of cracking IIT and other competitive exams - how to crack IIT and other Competitive exams.


ஒரு சிறிய ஊர். ஒரு ஓய்வு பெற்ற பேராசிரியர். ஒரு மாணவி. ஐஐடி-யில் சேர்ந்து படிக்க ஆசைப்படுகிறாள். அவளுடைய படிப்பு ஆர்வத்துக்கு உதவுவதற்காக அந்த பேராசிரியர் அந்த மாணவிக்கு டியூஷன் எடுக்க முடிவெடுக்கிறார்.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Numerical Aptitude - Sample test

 Numerical Aptitude



  1. The  net  income of  Ravi , if he pays the income tax of 3% & if his gross income is Rs. 22,000, is



Verbal Ability - Sample Test


- Verbal Ability 

I – Sentence Completion                                                                       

Instructions: The following sentences are incomplete. Choose the word or phrase that most correctly completes the sentence. 


How to prepare for Aptitude Exams?

 What is Aptitude?

Aptitude by definition of Merriam Webster is

1a: a natural ability : TALENT - an aptitude for gymnastics


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Cracking the CAT: The Gateway to the Prestigious IIMs in India

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is one of the most competitive and prestigious entrance exams in India. It serves as a gateway to the presti...

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I'm Thameem, I'm a professional trainer and a passionate blogger. We are living in a fast paced life in the era where information is wealth. I believe that most of the issues / challenges that we experience in our lives is due to lack of information, we all have the requisite knowledge and skills to perform any tasks and overcome any challenges, since information is stagnant at one point the resources are under utilized. I request viewers to share the information with people such that even if it benefits one, the mission is accomplished. Sharing is Caring

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