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Saturday, February 26, 2022

Numerical Aptitude - Sample test

 Numerical Aptitude



  1. The  net  income of  Ravi , if he pays the income tax of 3% & if his gross income is Rs. 22,000, is


         a. Rs. 20,000                b. Rs.21,340


         c. Rs. 24,500                d. Rs. 23,000


  1. Good  Friday  was  on the  10th April  in one  year. What day  of the week  was on 5th  June that  year


a. Thursday                     b. Friday


c. Monday                       d. Saturday


  1. The  temperature  of  Srinagar  was  2o   C  in the morning. The  next  morning it was  - 2o C . What  was decrease  in  temperature?


a. 3o C         b. 4o C                    c. -4o C                              d. -4o C


4.  The  sum  of  two  numbers  is  22  &  their  difference  is 4. The   numbers  are


      a. 12  and  10                      b.  16  and  6


      c.  14 and 8                         d.  13  and  9


  1. Mahesh saw  fifteen birds  on  a tree. He  fired  a gun. Only  two  birds  fell  down.How many  were  left  on the tree ?


a.  13                                    b.  17


c.  12                                    d.  None


  1. A  vessel  contains  180 litres  of milk , 60 litres  are  taken  out of the vessel everyday  &  equal  quantity of  water  is  added. What  quantity  of milk  remains in the vessel  at the end of  3 days ?


a.  59 5/7  litres                             b.  65 1/5  litres


c.  53 1/3  litres                             d.   61 7/9  litres


  1. In  an  examination  65%  of the  total  examinees  passed.  If  the  number  of  failures  is  420, the  total  number  of  examinees  are


a.  1500               b.  1200               c.  1000                                         d.  1625


  1. Out  of  an  earning  of  Rs. 720, Vikas  spends  65 % . His  saving  is


a.  Rs. 350                                    b.   Rs. 390


c.  Rs. 252                                     d.   Rs. 316


  1. A  candidate needs 35% marks  to pass . If he gets 96 marks & fails by 16 marks  then the maximum marks  are:


    a.  320                                            b.  182


    c.   273                                           d.  96


  1. A 200 metres  long train ,running at a speed of 60 km/hr passes a bridge  in 1 minute . The length of the  bridge is :


         a.  700  metres                                   b.  600 metres


         c.  800  metres                                   d.  350  metres


  1. 133%  can be written  as :


    a.  13.3                                               b.  1.33


    c.  133                                                d.  .33


11.  The sum  of the digits of a two  digit number is  8 . If  the digits  are reversed , the  number  is  decreased by 54. The number is :-


    a.  59                                                    b.  82


    c.  60                                                    d.  71


12.  A  bucket  full of water b weights  50kg, while  half  filled  weighs  30kg , then  the weight  of  the empty  bucket  is


      a.  10kg                        b.  16kg       c.  12kg                                         d.  20kg


13.  If  a jeep  travels  20km.in 24 minutes , then the distance  travelled  in 16 minutes would be


       a.  81/2km                                              b.  141/2km


        c.  10kg                                                d.  131/3km


14.  Mr. Sharma  has two sons. Four years ago, Mr. Sharma  was three  times as old as his eldest son & four  years hence  the eldest son will be twice  as old as the younger. If the younger  is now 8 years old, the present age of  Mr. Sharma is


         a. 52years                                            b.  46years


         c.  48years                                            d.  50years


15.    In two  hours , the minute  hand  of a  clock  rotates  through  an  angle  of


           a.  7200                                               b.  1800


                 c.  3600                                                                      d.  5400




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