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Saturday, February 26, 2022

How to prepare for Aptitude Exams?

 What is Aptitude?

Aptitude by definition of Merriam Webster is

1a: a natural ability : TALENT - an aptitude for gymnastics

b: INCLINATION, TENDENCY - an aptitude for hard work

2: capacity for learning - an aptitude for languages

3: general suitability : APTNESS

So, aptitude can be understood as talent, capacity, ability of an individual to exhibit one's knowledge or skill in a particular set of subjects or syllabi.

Aptitude tests or assessments is a standardized assessment technique to identify the talent or ability of an individual. 

A standardized test is a test that is administered and scored in a consistent, or "standard", manner. Standardized tests are designed in such a way that the questions, conditions for administering, scoring procedures, and interpretations are consistent and are administered and scored in a predetermined, standard manner.

Any test in which the same test is given in the same manner to all test takers, and graded in the same manner for everyone, is a standardized test. Standardized tests do not need to be high-stakes tests, time-limited tests, or multiple-choice tests. A standardized test may be any type of test: a written test, an oral test, or a practical skills performance test. The questions can be simple or complex. The subject matter among school-age students is frequently academic skills, but a standardized test can be given on nearly any topic, including driving tests, creativity, athleticism, personality, professional ethics, or other attributes.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standardized_test

Types of Aptitude

Numerical Aptitude 

Numerical aptitude defines the ability of an individual to execute tasks relating to the handling of numbers. The practice test questions on Aptitude-test.com are of a similar nature to most numerical aptitude tests used by employers today.

What questions can I expect?

Most numerical aptitude tests will be multiple-choice, consisting of 4 or 6 answer options. The test will be timed, so work fast but without sacrificing precision. It is common that calculators are allowed, but this will depend on the type of test.

There are several types of numerical aptitude test questions, the most common questions are divided into five categories. Click a category to learn more.

Basic Arithmetic
Mathematical Knowledge
Numerical Logic
Numerical Reasoning
Numerical Word Problems
Where are Numerical Aptitude tests used?
Numerical aptitude tests are not only used on school admission exams, but are also frequently used by employers during employee selection for a broad variety of jobs. The question types most commonly used in assessment tests by employers are Numerical Reasoning and Numerical Logic. The question type most commonly used in school admission tests are Numerical Word Problems. 

Verbal Aptitude 

Verbal Aptitude is the ability to use the written language and to understand concepts presented through words.

Verbal aptitude tests can be many different things: They can assess a person's ability to spell words correctly, use correct grammar, understand word meanings, understand word relationships, and/or interpret detailed written information.

What questions can I expect?

There are several types of verbal aptitude test questions, the most common questions are divided into ten categories. Click a category to learn more.

Critical Thinking

Deductive Reasoning

Grammar & Spelling


Verbal Reasoning

Verbal Coherence & Cohesion


Word Analogy

Word Relationships

Reading Comprehension

Where are Verbal Aptitude tests used?

Employers tend to use the tests evaluating practical verbal skills (Grammar & Spelling, Vocabulary, and Verbal Comprehension) when assessing for administrative roles, and the reasoning and deduction type of questions (Critical Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning) when assessing for graduate and management roles.

Non-verbal Aptitude 

Non-Verbal Aptitude Test

Non-Verbal Aptitude, also called non-verbal reasoning, involves the ability to understand and analyze information presented visually and solve problems logically.

Non-verbal aptitude tests are used extensively in selection and assessment processes. The tests include no text and can therefore be considered as less biased than text-based questions, as language and cultural differences are no factor.

What questions can I expect?

There are several types of non-verbal aptitude test questions, the most common questions are divided into three categories. Click a category to learn more.

Abstract Reasoning

Inductive Reasoning

Diagrammatic Reasoning

Non-verbal Analogy

Spatial Ability

Where are Non-verbal Aptitude tests used?

Non-verbal reasoning tests are often used when assessing for graduate and management roles. Spatial ability is commonly used for more hands-on occupations such as mechanics, assembly line workers, and pilots.

Mechanical Aptitude 

Mechanical Aptitude Test

Mechanical aptitude tests is a broad term for assessment tests evaluating mechanical understanding and mechanical knowledge.

What questions can I expect?

Mechanical aptitude test questions can be divided into four question categories. Click a category to learn more.

Mechanical Comprehension

Mechanical Knowledge

Electronics Knowledge

Mechanical Tools

Among these question categories the Mechanical Comprehension test questions are most frequently used. It is not uncommon that a Mechanical Aptitude Test would only consist of mechanical comprehension questions.

Where are Mechanical Aptitude tests used?

Mechanical aptitude tests are a part of the selection process in a large array of jobs such as: aircraft technician, auto mechanic, and machine operators. The tests are also frequently used as part of the admission test for firefighter school and the military.

Personality Test

What is a Personality Test?

A personality test is a method of accurately and consistently measuring personality characteristics. Most personality tests are conducted as standardized self-reported questionnaires. Personality tests are frequently used as part of a pre-employment assessment and during career counseling.

Types of Personality Tests
There are many types of personality tests; let's take a look at the ones most commonly used.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
This commonly used test analyzes and classifies you into one of 16 personality types by measuring how you perceive and prefer to engage with the world around you.
The MBTI is based on a theory proposed by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. The MBTI was published in 1944, and new editions have been published several times since then.

Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF)
The 16PF is a broadly used test that measures normal personality. The test is not only used for pre-employment assessments, but is also used by psychologists and other mental health professionals to help diagnose psychiatric disorders. This test classifies your personality as either low range or high range in the following areas: warmth, reasoning, emotional stability, dominance, liveliness, rule-consciousness, social boldness, sensitivity, vigilance, abstractness, privateness, apprehension, openness to change, self-reliance, perfectionism, and tension.

DISC assessment
The DISC is based on a theory by the psychologist William Moulton Marston; it centers on four different personality traits: dominance (D), influence (I), steadiness (S), and conscientiousness (C). The DISC is commonly used in recruitment.

Big Five Personality Test
The Big Five, or five-factor model is used to identify the five basic aspects that make up human personality: openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
Initially developed in the 1970s, it’s been reaffirmed several times via independent research over the years, and is considered one of the most reliable types of personality test.

Personality Tests in Personnel Selection
It is common to be required to complete a personality test as part of the job application process. The employer applies these tests to estimate the likelihood that applicants will be suitable for the job position and workplace. The personality traits that the employer is looking for depend on the occupation and workplace.

Can you prepare for a personality test?
Unlike most aptitude tests, there are no right or wrong answers in personality tests, and generally, there is no "perfect" personality type. Trying to fake a personality test is very hard and is definitely not recommended.
That does not mean that you cannot prepare. Knowing what to expect will help reduce test anxiety and increase the likelihood of completing the test correctly. We suggest that you try a no-risk personality test before you take the real pre-employment test. Look below to try our free personality test based on the five-factor model.

Other Aptitude 

Other Aptitude Tests

On this page we link to the aptitude tests that do not fall into any of our other test categories.

Situational Judgement Test

Code Breaking

Letter Sequence

Clerical Ability

Typing Test

Data Entry Test

Spatial Orientation



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